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Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) Process

November 10, 2021

We receive many questions about Diamond Mining & Ethical Practices the most frequent question is …


“How do you know where your diamonds come from?”

Let’s start on our home ground Australia. Holloway Diamonds was the first Australian company to pass the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) process. The RJC Code of Practices is the only independently verified sustainability standard for global jewellery covering the entire supply chain, from mine to retail. Their Code of Practices 2019 is aligned with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance and the UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights. Through the implementation of the Code of Practices, Holloway Diamonds contributes towards the United Nations 2030 agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.


Who Is the Council?

They plan an important role as the voice for the industry on its most critical Environmental, Social and Government (ESG) issues, helping to accelerate collective progress towards Sustainable Development Goals.

The Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) is the world’s leading standard-setting organisation for the jewellery and watch industry. Founded in 2005 by 14 member organisations, ABN AMRO, BHP Billiton Diamonds, Cartier, World Jewellery Confederation, Diamond Trading Company (part of De Beers), Diarough, Jewelers of America, National Association of Goldsmiths (UK), Newmont Mining, Rio Tinto, Rosy Blue, Signet Group, Tiffany & Co., and Zale Corporation. They are united through a shared belief that responsible business is good business, without causing harm to people or the planet. This is a process of continuous improvement.


What do they do?

The RJC Code of Practices (COP) is the global standard for the responsible jewellery and watch industry, focusing on business ethics and responsible supply chains.

Supply chains are often complex, multi-tiered and interconnected. The RJC takes an integrated approach to responsibility, recognising it as an ongoing journey of transformation.

They are a platform for catalysing change through the supply chains of their members and provide a forum for sharing perspectives, exchanging ideas and finding solutions to shared challenges. They work to ensure that responsibility standards are upheld right across the global jewellery supply chain. Their objective is to work in partnership to ensure our industry’s standards are maintained, and to help create a responsible and sustainable, worldwide jewellery supply chain.

Read more about the RJC

Responsible Jewellery Council


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