Imagine you are on a beautiful beach with the waves lapping at your feet or in a grand hotel ballroom, beneath the...
Diamond Education
How to Take Care of Your Diamond Ring
How to Take Care of Your Diamond Ring Diamond Ring Cleaning At the Holloway workshop, we use a professionally...
Green Diamond Versus Emerald
When making reference to the green diamond and the emerald, one is referring to two of the world’s most beautiful...
Difference Between Morganite and Diamond
Morganite and diamonds are two popular gemstones often compared due to their beauty and popularity in jewellery. While...
How to Tell if a Ruby Is Real
When purchasing jewellery, it can be tempting to go for the first piece that catches your eye. Jewellery purchases are...
How Can You Tell If Morganite Is High-Quality?
When buying jewellery, it's always reassuring to know that you are getting the best value for your money....
Is Morganite Ethically Sourced?
Morganite earrings and rings are jewellery with a beautiful and popular diamond alternative due to the affordability...
Differences Between Morganite and Moissanite
People are increasingly turning to diamond alternatives when it comes to engagement, eternity, and wedding rings–some...
How Rare Are Diamonds?
Diamonds have always been a highly desirable gemstone, having been traded as early as the year 4 BC, and owing to...
How Much Is a Wedding Ring? What to Expect for Your Budget
Planning to get married? If yes, the chances are that the thought of buying a wedding ring already has you stressed...
Does Diamond Jewellery Appreciate?
Diamonds are exquisite stones. Not only do they make a bold statement in terms of quality, style, and brilliance, they...
Pink Diamond Colour Chart
One of the most precious diamonds you can lay your eyes on is the pink diamond–they are considerably rarer than all...
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